Amazing but true.
Q - What two animals eat their own poop?
A - Come-on nobody does that.
Q - Wrong. Rabbits and guinea pigs.
Here is the serious science behind it:
Out in the wild rabbits and guinea pigs (if there ever really were wild guinea pigs!) go hunting for grasses as their favorite foods. Ok, not really hunting, but can you imagine a rabbit with a gun? Hunting grass?
But unlike big grazers like cows these tiny critters cannot have 100 foot intestines. So what do you do if you can't really digest your favorite food? Well... you poop it out and eat it again, and voila, you've doubled the length of your digestive track. I bet you never thought you'd learn science in the Just Jokes and Humor blog!
Ok, hold your nose and let's dig a little bit deeper. They don't eat any poop that comes in front of their cute noses. Instead they eat the "cecotropes" , which are special poop pellets high in vitamin B digestive bacteria.