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Showing posts from April, 2007

Soap Opera Spoilers

General Hospital Spoilers

Young and the Restless Spoilers - Y&R

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers

Doctor Jokes

Here are some doctor jokes and humor to lighten up the next visit to the Doctor's office or the hospital. Some dentist jokes, pharmacist jokes and psychology / psychiatrist jokes too. First some short doctor jokes, followed by a few longer ones. A man walks into a doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a turnip in his right ear. "What's the matter with me?" he asks the doctor. The doctor replies, "You're not eating properly." From the pharmacist: Take one of these pills every four hours. Or as often as you can get the cap off. Patient: How much to have this tooth pulled? Dentist: $500.00. Patient: $500.00 for just a few minutes work? Dentist: I can extract it very slowly if you like. What do you call a depressed dentist? A little down in the mouth. Doctor calls her patient: I have some bad news and some very very bad news. Patient: Well, might as well give me the bad news first. Doctor: The lab c...

More Retirement Jokes

Continuing with our Retirement Jokes and humor series, here are a few more retirement jokes or senior jokes. Click on the "labels" links at the end to find more Retirement Jokes ... It's not the age but the mileAGE that counts. You know that you are getting old when you remember when you had to get up to change the channel on the black and white TV. You know that you are getting old when you remember Coke came in a glass bottle. You know that you are getting old when you remember when you wore your good clothes to travel by air. You know that you are getting old when you remember when most of your sentences begin with, "When I was your age..." You know that you are getting old when you often repeat things...You often repeat things... You often repeat things... You know that you are getting old when you remember when getting a new bicycle meant you were rich.

Birthday Jokes

On your birthday every year, you get one year older. For some they stop at 29, others at 21. Here are some birthday jokes and humor to lighten up the special day. What do George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus all have in common? Their birthdays all fall on holidays. Q - What type of cake is used for birthday cake in heaven? A - Angel food cake. Q - Did you hear about the maple tree's birthday? A - It was a sappy one! News and stories behind the humor in the Birthday Jokes page at You know you're growing old when by the time you've lit the last candle on the birthday cake, the first one has burned out. Q - When is a birthday cake like a golf ball? A - They both get sliced. Q - What do you give a nine-hundred-pound gorilla for her birthday? A - I don't know, but you better hope she likes it! You know that you are getting old when you remember when the fire department comes to your birthday party in case the candles on the bir...